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Sciatica is the medical condition in which pain is experienced along the sciatic nerve (spans from the lower back to hips/buttocks and down each leg). The most common occurrences of sciatica are from a herniated disk, spinal bone spur, or narrowing of the spine, which may pinch the nerve. Although pain experienced from sciatica may be severe for certain individuals, it’s common for that pain to subside with non-invasive treatments within a couple of weeks. Wiebke Chiropractic is here to help relieve you of your pain! We offer sciatica treatment in Seaford that will provide a focused approach to solving your problems! 

Common causes of sciatica:

Lumbar Herniated Disc

A large majority of sciatica cases are caused by the herniation of a lumbar disc. Disc herniation causes pressure on the nerves in your spine which can lead to a lot of discomfort There are two ways in which a lumbar herniated disc can cause sciatica:Sciatica Treatment in Seaford

  • Direct Compression

   May occur when a lumbar disc bulges out or when the soft inner material of the disc leaks out.

  • Chemical Inflammation

   This is when acidic fluid leaks out into your spinal canal and damages or irritates the sciatic nerve

  • Degeneration

When the tissue around your spine begins to break down it can put more pressure on the area surrounding your sciatic nerve causing discomfort. Additionally, the deterioration of facet joints may cause the tissue in the joint’s capsule to inflame and increase in bulk. These abnormal bulky tissues often compress one or several nerve roots of the sciatic nerve. Sometimes degenerated intervertebral discs will secrete an inflammatory protein which causes the sciatic nerve to become inflamed.

Lumbar Spinal Stenosis

It is common for adults ages 60+ to experience the narrowing of their spinal canal. There is research that suggests that lumbar stenosis can lead to the development of sciatic pain.


Small stress fractures can occur on the vertebrae of your spine causing them to move out of place. This can create swelling and press on the sciatic nerve causing pain. 

Rare Causes of Sciatica:

  • Tumors 
  • Infection formation of scar tissue
  • Fracture in the lumbar spine
  • Following a hip joint replacement surgery.
  • Around 1% of women develop sciatica due to pregnancy

Sciatica Treatment in Seaford 

If you’re suffering from sciatica and looking for Sciatica Treatment in Seaford, we can help! Contact us by calling (516) 799-6696 or requesting an appointment via our website.

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Wiebke Chiropractic
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Sciatica Treatment in Seaford
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