Spinal Decompression in Massapequa
At Wiebke Chiropractic, we take pride in the fact that we’re devoted to treating any condition and symptoms you may be feeling. In regards to back conditions, maintaining the health and functionality of the spine is imperative to reducing the chance of future injuries. That’s why Wiebke Chiropractic can administer spinal decompression in Massapequa to assure that any chronic neck and back pain is properly treated.
What is spinal decompression?
Spinal decompression is a motorized traction technique that helps to diminish back pain, and it works by gently stretching and positioning the spine. The gentle positioning takes the pressure off the discs of the spine, and it can be a great treatment for disc herniations.
A great positive of spinal decompression is that it’s a nonsurgical alternative to eliminating spinal issues. Spinal decompression can be used to help treat the following conditions:
- Posterior facet syndrome
- Spinal nerve roots that have been injured
- Degenerative disc disease/disc herniations
- Sciatica
- Back/neck pain
- Whiplash
- Acute/Chronic Back and Neck Pain
How is spinal decompression normally done?
Spinal decompression involves our chiropractor fitting you around a harness, usually around your pelvis-area. The harness functions through the use of a computer that Dr. Wiebke will operate.
This treatment usually lasts anywhere from 30 to 40 minutes and doesn’t require you to change out of your clothes. However, how many treatments you may require depends on the severity of your condition and how much attention you need.
The results of spinal decompression in Massapequa
While you may not feel immediate relief after one session, spinal decompression therapy will certainly bring you pain-relief after several different sessions. In fact, in various conducted studies, spinal decompression was found to provide relief for patients with chronic back pain. During this study, 80 percent of patients who had back pain symptoms for six or more months experienced substantial relief in less than two months.
While surgery may be an option for those who’ve had years of debilitating back pain, spinal decompression is certainly the best method for noninvasive treatment. At Wiebke Chiropractic, our staff has been administering spinal decompression in Massapequa for years and is ready to help you. Contact us today and begin your path to a better tomorrow!

Telephone No.(516) 799-6696